Domestic Abuse: All The Women In These Pictures Are Dead! All Within 5 Months

 Domestic Abuse: All The Women In These Pictures Are Dead! All Within 5 Months 

All the women in these pictures are dead! All within a space of 5 months.

They were all victims of domestic abuse and they all suffered extreme physical violence in the hands of their husbands up until their deaths.

Growing up, I was told the reason many women stay in abusive marriages is because they don’t have their own money and they can’t run back to their fathers house….

Let me shock you!!!

All the women in these pictures were the breadwinners; they were all independently and financially well to do. They all had their own money and they were all richer than their husbands. They were all equally educated and relatively exposed; everything you know about domestic violence, they knew much more!

But yet! Yet! Their lives were ended by the dead-beat men they chose to love!

Dear Women,

If he hits you once, he will definitely do it again and again and again. And if you make excuses for him the first time, you will see yourself making excuses for him, over and over and over again.

Maybe one day he will change, but until then, leave! Because he won’t change if keeps seeing you to punch. He can only change when you leave him! So, leave now! Carry you bag and go. Just go! And don’t come back!

Under the flyover is better than a inside the casket.

We can blame society, we can blame religion, we can blame the church! But the truth is, you always have a choice and the choice is always yours to make.

Religion cannot go, tradition cannot go, society cannot go… only you can go!

If you love yourself, leave! If you love your children, leave! If you love your friends, leave! If you love your partner, leave!

The rate at which women are dying in the hands of their partners these days is alarming. It’s seems like the right question to ask is….Who Is Next?


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